Traditional Lifeways: Traditional Foods and Contaminants
Telida Village has developed a series of environmental health education that will keep the tribal members healthy and the environment clean for the future generations, fulfilling the Indian General Assistance Program’s objective to reduce the risk to human health and the environment.
The “Traditional Foods and Contaminants” education unit is composed of six education lessons with a total of 55 activities. The place-based lessons focus on traditional subsistence foods and world-wide contaminant patterns and activities that threaten the food resources of rural Alaska. Education activities include Elders working with students to examine and solve potential contaminant problems in the local community.
The education lessons meet the Alaska State Content Standards and Alaska Standards for Culturally Responsive Schools. The activities in the lessons are based on “Translating Standards to Practice: A Teacher’s Guide to Use and Assessment of the Alaska Science Standards” developed by the Alaska Rural Systemic Initiative and “The Handbook for Culturally Responsive Science Curriculum” by Sidney Stephens.