Kibrik Papers

Andrej Kibrik’s Relevant Upper Kuskokwim Athabascan Archival Holdings and Publications

  1. Bergelson, Mira; “In the Land of Orthodox Indians, Adventures of Russians in Alaska” (In Russian)
  2. Kibrik, Andrej – 3 audio tapes with interviews: 1) Aug 11, 2001-Steven Nikolai; 2) August 12, 2001-Lena Petruska, phonetic material, folk story “The Girl” in UKA and English; 3) Sept- Lena Petruska tells story of her life, “How I Saw the Airplane for the First Time” and “Life in Telida” in UKA and English; Sept 21, 2001-About her life memories and experiences with Lena, Betty (translator) and school children asking questions (Top of the Kuskokwim School)
  3. Kibrik, Andrej A., Preliminary Report on Phonetic and Phonological Idiolectal Variation in Upper Kuskokwim Athabaskan. (Unpublished, Alaska Native Language Center Archives, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska) 1998

    Typescript ms Discusses tone, interdental, and palatal variation between speakers, with special note on Philip Esai’s idiolect.
  4. Kibrik, Andrej A., Nikolai Fieldnotes, Mar.-July 1997 (Unpublished, Alaska Native Language Center Archives, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska) 1997

    Printouts of discs typed from hand fieldnotes (all), except xerox material. Ca. 150 pp. grammatical files – by grammatical category; ca. 50 pp. verb paradigm file; ca. 40 pp. new nouns and misecellaneous smaller word categories. 3 tapes with transcriptions – mostly phonetics; one small text told by Junior Gregory; one long story by Bobby Esai, Jr.; 2 conversations; 1 Russian Church singing.

    Folder 1: Informant list; copulars; adjectival words. Folder 2: More grammatical category lists. Folder 3: Paradigms. Folder 4: Paradigms; grammatical sketch. Folder 5: Grammatical category lists; T’sima Dzagha’ Dina Hwzoya’, interlinear translation of story told by Hannah Maillelle and translated by Betty Petruska and Irene Dennis (cf. UK973MDP1990). Folder 6: Paradigms. Folder 7: Paradigms. Folder 8: Phonology. Folder 9: Primarily xeroxed handwritten grammatical notes. Folder 10: Tape 1 and transcript: phonetic studies; story by Junior Gregory. Folder 11: Tape 2 and transcript: conversations. Folder 12: Tape 3 and partial transcript: Stories by Bobby Esai, Sr. Folder 13: Tape 4 and partial transcript: Bobby Esai, Sr., Russian church singing. Folder 14: Zip disk with material from Folders 1-13.
  5. Kibrik, Andrej A., Linguistic Survey, May 1997 (Unpublished, Alaska Native Language Center Archives, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska). 1997

    Children and adults of Nikolai surveyed about language use and attitude.
  6. Kibrik, Andrej A., Polsvaya lingvisticheskaya rabota na Alyaske: issledovaniya verkhnekuskokvimskogo atabaskskogo yazyka. (Alaska Native Language Center Archives, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska) 1998
  7. Kibrik, Andrej A., Studies in Upper Kuskokwim Athabaskan: survey of the projects, sociolinguistics, dialectology, phonetics and phonology. 11/13/2001 – ANLC Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Alaska Native Language Center Archives, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska)

    Summary of previous research, ongoing research, and results of linguistic survey, phonetics, dialectal conclusions, and selected grammatical issues.
  8. Kibrik, Andrej A., Presentations on Upper Kuskokwim, 2003-2009. (Alaska Native Language Center Archives, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska) 2003

    Handouts and powerpoint slides from eleven papers and presentations given at various international conferences, including the Association for Linguistic Typology and the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. One with Bergelson, Mira; Power point presentation “Nikolai Personal Stories: Communication Patterns in Intercultural Settings” with examples.
  9. Kibrik, Andrej A.; Krauss, Michael E. Discussion of UK Tone, July 1997. (Misc. handwritten notes held at the Alaska Native Language Center Archives, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska)
  10. Kibrik, Andrej A.; Krauss, Michael E. Correspondence (held at the Alaska Native Language Center Archives, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska) 1999
  11. Kibrik, Andrej A., Toward A Typology of Verb Lexical Systems: A Case Study in Northern Athabaskan (Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences) Date?
  12. Correspondence about transmission of materials and Kibrik UK scholarship, includes vita and summary of UK project for grant application.
  13. 2008 Verxnekuskokvimskij jazyk atabaskov Aljaski: russkie vlijanija vremen L.A.Zagoskina [Upper Kuskokwim Athabaskan in Alaska: Russian influences of L.A.Zagoskin’s time]. In: ______ [pdf].
  14. 2008 Propozicional’naja derivacija i atabaskskie jazyki [Propositional derivation and the Athabaskan languages] In: V.A.Plungian and S.G.Tatevosov (eds.) Glagol’naja derivacija. Moscow: JaSK, 127-148 [pdf].
  15. 2005 Inflection versus Derivation and the Template for Athabaskan Verb Morphology. In: S. Gessner (ed.) Proceedings of the 2005 Athabaskan Languages Conference. Fairbanks: ANLC, 2005, 67-94 [pdf].
  16. 2005 Atapaski [Athapaskans]. In: Bol’shaja Rossijskaja Enciklopedija, vol. 2. Moscow: Enciklopedija [pdf].
  17. 2005 Atabaskskie jazyki [Athabaskan languages]. In: Bol’shaja Rossijskaja Enciklopedija, vol. 2. Moscow: Enciklopedija [pdf].
  18. 2005 On the use of quasi-grammeme in Athabaskan // Vostok-Zapad: Vtoraja mezhdunarodnaja konferencija po modeli “Smysl ? Tekst”. Ed. by Ju.D.Apresjan and L.L.Iomdin. Moscow: JaSL, 208-218 [pdf]. (Written in English)
  19. 2004 Coordination In Upper Kuskokwim Athabaskan. In: Martin Haspelmath (ed.) Coordinating constructions. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 537-554 [pdf]. (Written in English)
  20. 2003 Opyt sociolingvisticheskogo oprosa v malom jazykovom soobshchetsve [An essay of a sociolinguistic survey in a little linguistic community]. In: First International symposium on field linguistics. Abstracts. Moscow: Institut of Linguistics RAN, 50-53. (No PDF)
  21. 2002 Jazyki mira i jazykovye arealy: prospekt uchebnika. [Languages of the world and language areas; A prospectus of a textbook]. In: Jazyki mira. Tipologija. Uralistika. Pamjati T. Zhdanovoj. Ed. by V.A.Plungian and A.Ju.Urmanichieva. Moscow: Indrik, 252-275 [pdf].
  22. 2002 Winning the prefixation contest: Athabaskan languages of North America. In: 10th International morphology meeting. Abstracts. Budapest, Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2002, p. 36-37. (No PDF)
  23. 2002 Studies in Upper Kuskokwim Athabaskan, a language of interior Alaska. In: O.A.Osipova et al. eds. Sravnitel’no-istoricheskoe i tipologicheskoe izuchenie jazykov i kul’tur: Materialy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii XXIII Dil’zonovskie chtenija. Part 1. Tomsk: Izdatel’stvo TGPU, 303-311 [pdf]. (Written in English)
  24. 2002 A typologically oriented portrait of the Athabaskan language family. In: V.I.Podlesskaya et al. (eds.) Tret’ja zimnjaja tipologicheskaja shkola. Materialy lekcij i seminarov. Moscow: RGGU, 38-48 [pdf]. (Written in English)